Installing WinGet Command Line Package Manager on Windows 11 🌱

What is WinGet?

The Windows Package Manager is a tool designed to help you quickly and easily discover and install those packages that make your PC environment special. By using the Windows Package Manager, from one command, you can install your favorite packages. -
  1. Log into the Windows device
  2. Run the following commands in a PowerShell window
    # change directory to user downloads
    cd $ENV:UserProfile\Downloads
    # download latest winget installer
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; $t = Invoke-WebRequest '' -UseBasicParsing; $null = ($t.content -Match ',"content_type":"application/octet-stream",.*?"browser_download_url":"(.*\.msixbundle)"'); Invoke-WebRequest $Matches[1] -OutFile .\winget-latest.msixbundle;
    # lookup prerequisites
    $pre = Invoke-WebRequest "" -Method POST -Body @{type='CategoryId';url='f855810c-9f77-45ff-a0f5-cd0feaa945c6';ring='Retail';lang='en-US;q=0.6'} -UseBasicParsing
    # download prerequisites
    # Microsoft.UI.Xaml
    $null = ($pre.content -Match '<td><a href="(.*?)" rel="noreferrer">Microsoft\.UI\.Xaml\.2\.7_7\.2207\.21001\.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\.appx<\/a><\/td>'); Invoke-WebRequest $Matches[1] -OutFile .\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.appx;
    $null = ($pre.content -Match '<td><a href="(.*?)" rel="noreferrer">Microsoft\.VCLibs\.140\.00\.UWPDesktop_14\.0\.30704\.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\.appx<\/a><\/td>'); Invoke-WebRequest $Matches[1] -OutFile .\Microsoft.VCLibs.appx;
    $null = ($pre.content -Match '<td><a href="(.*?)" rel="noreferrer">Microsoft\.DesktopAppInstaller_2022\.728\.1939\.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe\.msixbundle<\/a><\/td>'); Invoke-WebRequest $Matches[1] -OutFile .\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller.msixbundle; $ProgressPreference = 'Continue';
    # install prerequisites
    Add-AppxPackage .\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.appx
    Add-AppxPackage .\Microsoft.VCLibs.appx
    Add-AppxPackage .\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller.msixbundle
    # install winget
    Add-AppxPackage .\winget-latest.msixbundle
    # list installed applications
    winget list
  3. WinGet is now installed and ready to be used
  4. To test WinGet, continue with the following commands in PowerShell
    # search winget
    winget search notepad++
    # when prompted, type y and press enter
    # install notepad++
    winget install notepad++