Install Kanboard Visual Todo and Tasks Management on Windows 🌱

What is Kanboard?

Kanboard is project management software that focuses on the Kanban methodology. -


  1. Download XAMPP Download
  2. Download Kanboard Download
  3. Install Microsoft Visual C++
  4. Right click the downloaded XAMPP file > Extract All...
  5. Right click the downloaded Kanboard .zip file > Extract All...
  6. Rename the extracted folder kanboard
  7. Cut the kanboard folder inside the XAMPP/htdocs directory
  8. Navigate into the kanboard folder
  9. Make a copy of the config.default.php and rename it config.php
  10. Edit config.php in a text editor
  11. Search for DB_DRIVER
  12. Set the DB_DRIVER value to mysql
  13. Set the DB_USERNAME value to kanboard_rw
  14. Set the DB_PASSWORD value to K@nb0r4!
  15. Save the changes to config.php and close the text editor
  16. Copy the extracted XAMPP directory to a safe location to run from, C:\Program Files for example
  17. Run XAMPP/setup_xampp.bat to update the configuration files with the new server location
  18. Navigate into XAMPP/PHP and edit php.ini in a text editor
  19. Find the list of extensions and make sure the following are enabled by removing the ; at the start of the line


  20. Save the changes to php.ini and close the text editor
  21. Navigate back to XAMPP/ and run xampp-control.exe
  22. Click the Start button next to Apache and MySQL
  23. Navigate to XAMPP/mysql/bin
  24. Hold the SHIFT key and right click in the white space > Open PowerShell windows here...
  25. Type the following in the PowerShell window to setup the database
    .\mysql -u root
    CREATE DATABASE kanboard DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
    CREATE USER 'kanboard_rw'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'K@nb0r4!';
    GRANT ALL ON kanboard.* TO 'kanboard_rw'@'localhost';
    .\mysql -u kanboard_rw -pK@nb0r4! kanboard -e "source C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\kanboard\app\Schema\Sql\mysql.sql"
  26. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP/kanboard
  27. Login with the username admin and password admin
  28. Click the options carrot in the top right corner > My profile
  29. Click Edit profile from the left navigation
  30. Change the username and set a name and email as needed > Click Save
  31. Click Change password from the left navigation
  32. Enter admin as the Current password and enter and confirm a new secure password > Click Save
  33. Click the options carrot in the top right corner > Logout
  34. Log back in with the updated credentials
  35. Welcome to Kanboard