Share Proxmox Backups Locally with Samba 🌱

  1. Log into Proxmox VE, either at the console or the web UI and launch the web shell
  2. Run the following commands
    # update software repositories
    apt update
    # install samba
    apt install samba -y
    # edit the samba conf file
    nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
  3. Paste the following at the bottom of the file

    comment = Proxmox backups
    path = /var/lib/vz
    guest ok = no
    public = yes
    writable = yes

  4. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes
  5. Continue with the following commands
    # restart samba service
    systemctl restart smbd
  6. Test that the new samba share is accessible, from Windows \\DNSorIP\vmbackups
  7. When prompted, login with root and the Proxmox root password