Extract and install the downloaded archive with the following command:
# install prerequisites
sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine unzip -y
# download Windows 10 icons
wget -O ~/Downloads/Win10-icons.zip https://github.com/B00merang-Artwork/Windows-10/archive/master.zip
# download desktop background
sudo wget -O /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/Windows-10.jpg https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pEu0ToTAMyk/XWnlO2-h6nI/AAAAAAAAYb0/U7uz1_YHqls7nOf4N0s9rP96g7jaqlWZACLcBGAs/s2560/windows_10_4k_8k_2-2560x1440.jpg
# make sure .themes and .icons exist
mkdir ~/.themes && mkdir ~/.icons
# extract the downloaded icons
unzip ~/Downloads/Win10-icons.zip -d ~/.icons
# create gtk icon cache
gtk-update-icon-cache ~/.icons/Windows-10-master/
# extract the downloaded theme
sudo tar -xf ~/Downloads/Windows-10-Dark*.tar.gz -C ~/.themes