Arch Linux Install Guide Using VirtualBox 🌱

  1. Download Arch Linux Download
  2. Launch Virtualbox
  3. Create a New VM by selecting Machine > New

    Name: Arch
    Machine Folder: C:\VMs
    Type: Linux
    Version: Arch (64-bit)
    Memory Size: 4096 MB
    Hard disk: Create a virtual hard disk now

  4. Click Create
  5. On the Create Virtual Hard Disk dialog

    Name the virtual disk image Arch.vdi
    File size: 40 GB
    Hard disk file type: VDI
    Storage on physical hard disk: Dynamically Allocated

  6. Click Create
  7. Select the VM and Click Settings
  8. Select System > Processor
  9. Give the VM at least 2 processors
  10. Select Display
  11. Slide the Video Memory to 128 MB
  12. Select Network
  13. Set the attached to dropdown to Bridged Adapter
  14. Select Storage
  15. Click on the CD-ROM drive
  16. Select the disc dropdown to the right > Choose a virtual optical disc file...
  17. Browse to and select the downloaded Arch .iso file
  18. Click OK
  19. Make sure the Arch VM is selected and click Start > Normal
  20. At the Arch Linux menu, select Arch Linux install medium > Press Enter
  21. Run the following commands to install Arch Linux on the VBOX HARDDISK
    # list disk drives, note the identifier for VBOX HARDDISK
    fdisk -l
    # partition the drive, change the identifier if needed
    fdisk /dev/sda
    # create a new partition
    # set the partition type to primary
    # default sector
    # set the partition size
    # create a swap partition
    # set the partition type to primary
    # default sector
    Press Enter to accept default
    # set the partition size
    Press Enter to accept default
    # write the partitions
    # print out the partitions
    fdisk -l
    # create ext4 root partition
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
    # confirm proceeding with the change if prompted
    # create swap partition
    mkswap /dev/sda2
    # confirm proceeding with the change if prompted
    # mount the root partition
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
    # enable swap
    swapon /dev/sda2
    # run pacstrap installation
    pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware
    # generate fstab file
    genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
    # change root to the /mnt directory
    arch-chroot /mnt
    # set the hostname
    echo archlinux-vm > /etc/hostname
    # install grub bootloader
    pacman -S grub
    grub-install /dev/sda
    # create grub config
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    # install gnome desktop environment
    pacman -S gnome
    # enable required services
    systemctl enable gdm.service
    systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
    # set root passwd
    # shutdown
    shutdown now
  22. Right click the Arch Linux VM > Settings...
  23. Select Storage from the left navigation menu
  24. Remove the Arch Linux installation medium from the optical drive
  25. Click OK
  26. Right click the Arch Linux VM > Start > Normal Start
  27. At the gnome login, login with username root and the password set during the installation

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions (Optional)

  1. Run the following command in a terminal window
    pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils