Installing WebIssues Bug and Enhancement Tracker on Linux 🌱

What is WebIssues?

WebIssues is an open source, multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration. It can be used to store, share and track issues with various attributes, description, comments and file attachments. It is easy to install and use but has many capabilities and is highly customizable. -


  1. Log into the Debian device
  2. Run the following commands in a terminal:
    # update software repositories
    sudo apt update
    # install available updates
    sudo apt upgrade -y
    # install Apache HTTPD and MySQL
    sudo apt install apache2 mariadb-server mariadb-client curl -y
    # install PHP components
    sudo apt install php php-common php-mysqli php-mbstring php-imap -y
    # configure the MySQL database
    sudo su
  3. Press Enter to login as root
  4. Type N and press Enter to not switch to socket authentication
  5. Type Y and press Enter to set a root password, type the password twice to confirm
  6. Type Y and press Enter to remove anonymous users
  7. Type Y and press Enter to disallow root login remotely
  8. Type Y and press Enter to remove the test database
  9. Type Y and press Enter to reload privilege tables
  10. Run the following command to login into MySQL:
    mysql -u root -p
  11. Authenticate with the root password set earlier
  12. Run the following commands to create the database and database user
    CREATE DATABASE webissues;
    GRANT ALL ON webissues.* TO 'webissues_rw'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'W3b1ssu3s!';
  13. Continue with the following commands to download and extract WebIssues in the Apache webroot
    # download latest WebIssues version
    sudo wget -O webissues.tar.gz
    # extract webissues.tar.gz
    sudo tar xzvf webissues.tar.gz --directory /var/www/html
    # rename webissues folder
    sudo mv /var/www/html/webissues* /var/www/html/webissues
    # set the owner of the new webissues directory to www-data
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/webissues
    # restart apache2 service
    sudo systemctl restart apache2
  14. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP/webissues
  15. Click the Configure Database link
  16. Select a Language > Click Next
  17. Select Create new database tables and MySQL > Complete the form as follows

    Host name: localhost
    Database name: webissues
    User name: webissues_rw
    Password: W3b1ssu3s!

  18. Click Next at the bottom right of the page
  19. Give the server a name and enter and confirm a password for the admin user > Click Next
  20. Review the installation summary > Click Install
  21. After the installation completes click the Web Client link
  22. Welcome to WebIssues
